Dear Driving Days participants,
This year, the insurance prices for trackdays went up to more than double. Taking this into account, it's better for all of you to apply for a FPAK License G Track Day, given the fact that it costs 42€ for the entire 2025 season, instead of 60€ per event.
Below you can find step by step, how to apply for a FPAK license so you don't have to pay 60€ for the Personal Accidents Insurance every event.
NOTE: If your car produce more then 100db of noise, you can only participate on the Driving Days events during the week (6 x 30 minute sessions) in Group 3, your car must have at least half roll cage and you need to have FPAK license B. (The procedure for that is also explained below.)
Access and select “Licenças e Inscrições Online”
Login with your credentials. If it’s the first time, you must register.
On the "Dados Pessoais" page, first you must fill in all the information requested in "Identificação" sub page:
Full Name
First and Last name
Document of identification (ID Card or Passport Number)
Document of identification number
Document of identification expiration date
Document of identification photo upload (Front)
Document of identification photo upload (Back)
Fiscal Number
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Press the blue button "Guardar"
Still on the "Dados Pessoais" page, on the "Morada" sub page, you must fill:
Zip Code
Press the blue button "Guardar"
Still on the "Dados Pessoais" page, on the "Contactos" sub page, you must fill:
Phone Number (email they already have from registration)
Press the blue button "Guardar"
Still on the "Dados Pessoais" page, on the "Dados Médicos e Carta de Condução" sub page, you must fill:
If you are applying for a National G Track Day License ignore the red circle requirements, and just fill in the information below:
When was the last time you took the tetanus vaccine
Expiration date of the tetanus vaccine
Select "Reforço"
Blood Type
Overall vaccination document
Drivers License number
Drivers License expiration date
Which government institute issued your drivers license.
IDrivers License photo upload (Front + Back)
Press the blue button "Guardar"
If you are applying for a National B License you must fill in all the data plus the red circle requirements.
National B License requires a medical stamp and must be signed by a doctor.
You can donwload the document you must upload (Front + Back), here
If you are applying for a National B License, ignore step 7.
Still on the "Dados Pessoais" page, on the "Outros" sub page, you must:
Press the "Formulário" button in front of "Termo de Responsabilidade"
Donwload the document and fill in:
Full Name
Date of Birth
ID Card or Passport Number
Fiscal Number
Select "Nacional G "Track Day"
Sign it
Upload the document in the "Termo de Responsabilidade" square
Press the blue button "Guardar"
Then, on the "Licenças" drop down menu, select "Solicitar Licença"
On this page, select the following:
Icon with a car and word "Automobilismo"
On the drop down menu, select "Condutor/Concorrente"
Press the blue button "Próximo"
On the next page, a box with a message about the "Termo de Responsabilidade" will appear, press "OK"
On this page, select the following:
Nacional Concorrente / Condutor Nacional G Track Day (30€)
Once you select the Nacional Concorrente / Condutor Nacional G Track Day (30€) a box with a message about the "Termo de Responsabilidade" will appear, press "OK"
Press the blue button "Próximo"
After pressing the button, on the next page, 2 messages will appear:
On the first, press the white button "Não"
On the second one, press "OK"
On this page, after clearing out the messages mentioned above, just press the blue button "Próximo"
On this page, a Terms & Conditions message will appear:
Press the blue button "Concordo"
Then press the blue button "Finalizar"
At last, you will reach this page:
You must pay with the details they show you.
After the payment is done, you will receive an email with your license (This may take a few minutes).
Be aware that sometimes, after the payment, the confirmation email may enter on the “junk” email box.
If after a few hours, you haven't received an email, you should contact FPAK directly at +351 217 112 800.
Best regards,
Team Motor Sponsor